Knee Surgery

Locations in Weatherford and Mineral Wells, TX
Weatherford 817-901-9923
Mineral Wells 940-325-7900
Locations in Weatherford and
Mineral Wells, TX
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From Shoulders to Fingertips, From Hips to Toes, From Trauma to Arthritis

Effective Knee Replacements

If your physician has recommended a knee replacement, come to Eric Brock M.D. Orthopedic Surgery, P.A. In our practice, we perform complete knee replacement surgeries that can restore mobility and alleviate pain.

When we perform a total knee replacement surgery, we replace the cartilage in your knee with an artificial surface. We add a metal alloy to the end of your femur and the top of your tibia and place a plastic spacer in between. In some cases, the cartilage on the back of the kneecap may need to be replaced. The process restores smooth movement to your knee.

Having us perform a total knee replacement can renew your stability, eliminate pain, and minimize the wear and tear on your knee joints. The quality of the surrounding tissue, the severity of your arthritis, your activity level, and your adherence to your doctor’s orders can affect your results, but we’ll work with you to understand the relevant factors.

Understanding Your Knees

Your knee is the part of your body where the lower end of your femur (thighbone) meets the upper end of your tibia (shinbone). The patella (kneecap) covers the joint, and cartilage surrounds everything and provides for smooth movement.

When the cartilage is damaged or worn out, you’ll experience pain as the bones rub against one another. The rubbing can cause discomfort, swelling, and stiffness. If medications, injections, and physical therapy no longer provide relief, surgery may be necessary to correct the problem. In some cases, total knee replacement is required. You can depend on us to use the best method available to relieve your pain.

Minimal Knee Surgery Risks

During surgery, we’ll take the necessary precautions to minimize the possible risks. Most knee surgeries are free of complications.

As with all medical procedures, knee surgeries present certain risks:
  • Infections and blood clots — We use antibiotics and blood thinners to prevent these.
  • Pain — We use general anesthesia during most surgeries. In some cases, we’ll use spinal anesthesia. Nerve blocks on your operative leg may also be used to control your discomfort following the operation. Some numbness is not uncommon, and we’ll work with you to fully understand your situation.

To learn more about improving your quality of life through knee surgery, please call us at one of our locations today.
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Eric Brock M.D. Orthopedic Surgery, P.A.

Weatherford, TX
925 Santa Fe Dr. #113

Mineral Wells, TX
715 W. Hubbard
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